
2014 and 2015

In 2014, New Years Day we went to Sulphur Springs to my grandmas. First we would eat lunch then go to open presents. The food was really good. Also I was eager to open presents from grandma. I was all finished so we went over there, when I was on my way grandma asked me to sort all of the presents to all of the family. When I  was all finished I went to go open my presents. I got chocolate, cookies, and corn cob holders. After we were all finished we played a game grandma said the rules were if you roll equal numbers on the two dice you could take a present off the table,And when all of the presents were out you could steal someones present. I won three times, but then Kevin stole mine so then I had two.When we were all finished, my mom said we could go home.

In 2015, I hope we get to go to Orlando,Florida in the summer. Also they’ve got really tall buildings, a sidewalk you can ride your bike on, a beach, and when it’s dark all of the lights will light up. I also really hope my best friend comes to. I really hope we go.

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